Performance and Sight-Reading Standards of Adjudication
Adjudicators should acquaint themselves with LMEA’s Standards of Adjudication for Large Ensemble Assessment Events, both for stage performance and for sight-reading. Links to the grading criteria for the five-division assessment rubrics are provided below with some explanatory remarks. It is strongly encouraged that when these ratings are used, no plus or minus signs or other means of qualifying the ratings be employed. It is essential that adjudicators offer critiques that support and clarify their ratings.
Standards of Adjudication Rubrics
Band/Orchestra Stage Performance Adjudication Rubric (grading criteria)
Band/Orchestra Sight-Reading Adjudication Rubric (grading criteria)
Adjudication Forms
Band/Orchestra Performance Adjudication Form and Rubric
Band/Orchestra Sight-Reading Adjudication Form and Rubric
Notes to Adjudicators:
- Adjudicators must not consult with anyone before placing the final rating on the adjudication sheet.
- Adjudicators must refrain from engaging in the recruiting of students for any college purpose under penalty of being barred from adjudicating at LMEA performance assessments.
- Adjudicators who do not approve of particular selections performed are reminded that the musical components listed on the adjudication form and rubric will be the only criteria used for adjudicating. An adjudicator who wishes to share a personal note with the ensemble director on the matter of musical taste in the selection of assessment music, may do so by using a personal note separate from the adjudication form. However, an adjudicator’s taste is not to affect the rating.
- Adjudicators must remain very professional in giving comments, both on recordings and adjudication sheets.
Use the following chart to average the three (3) performance adjudicators’ ratings to get the ensemble’s overall rating. This chart contains every possible combination.