LMEA sponsors several awards to outstanding individuals and outstanding school programs.
Each of these awards is presented prior to one of the All-State Concerts at the Annual Professional Development Conference. Recipients will be notified by LMEA’s Executive Board.
Ensemble Awards
Barbara C. Butler Award of Excellence – Choral
Purpose: To recognize quality high school and middle school choral music programs serving historically disadvantaged student populations.
Deadline: Submit recordings and form between March 1 and June 1
Eligibility: High schools are eligible in even years; elementary and middle/jr. high schools are eligible in odd years.
Additional information and the registration forms
Robert L. Wilhite Award of Excellence – Instrumental
Purpose: To recognize quality high school and middle school instrumental music programs serving historically disadvantaged student populations.
Deadline: Submit recordings and form between March 1 and June 1
Eligibility: High schools are eligible in even years; elementary and middle/jr. high schools are eligible in odd years.
Additional information and the registration forms
LMEA Standard of Excellence Award – Choral
Purpose: This award recognizes the results of quality teaching and superior performances in Louisiana high school and middle school choral music programs. The LMEA Standard of Excellence Award was adopted January, 2021.
Deadline: Submit recordings and form between March 1 and June 1
Eligibility: Middle schools are eligible in even years; high schools are eligible in odd years.
Additional information and the registration forms
LMEA Standard of Excellence Award – Instrumental
Purpose: This award recognizes the results of quality teaching and superior performances in Louisiana high school and middle school instrumental music programs. The LMEA Instrumental Standard of Excellence Award was adopted October, 2019.
Deadline: Submit recordings and form between March 1 and June 1
Eligibility: Middle schools are eligible in even years; high schools are eligible in odd years.
Additional information and the registration forms
Individual Awards
Hall of Fame
Purpose: To honor LMEA members who, by virtue of their contributions to music education and to LMEA, are recognized as being the most highly regarded professional leaders in music education in Louisiana. Nominees may be living or deceased, active or retired.
Deadline: May 1
Outstanding Young Music Educator
Purpose: To recognize young music educators for their outstanding impact on student learning. This award may be presented to one or more individuals new to the profession who have served their students, communities, and profession in an exemplary manner. Nominees must have completed one year but not more than five years of teaching and be a member of LMEA. Nominations must be submitted by an LMEA member.
Deadline: September 1
Tom D. Wafer Outstanding Administrator
Purpose: To recognize outstanding school principals, assistant principals, superintendents, and/or assistant or associate superintendents who demonstrate support for and commitment to high-quality arts education programs in their schools. The influence of such administrators is a major factor in improving music education in school systems across the state.
Deadline: May 1
Outstanding Contributor
Purpose: To recognize an individual, organization, or corporation who/which has contributed in an extraordinary manner to the support of music education in the State of Louisiana.
Deadline: September 1
Distinguished Legacy
Purpose: To recognize an individual for lifetime achievement of distinguished service to the profession, supporting the mission and goals of the Louisiana Music Educators Association.
Deadline: September 1
Purpose: To honor LMEA members’ service and dedication to music education by presenting a 25 year service pin to any member who has completed 25 years of active membership in NAfME/LMEA.
Deadline: one week before the fall conference