LMEA All-State Orchestra includes approximately 100 students, selected by audition. The rehearsals and performance are the weekend before Thanksgiving. Specific schedules will be available as soon as possible.
String students are chosen by recorded auditions. These auditions are recorded by the district director or the district’s designated orchestra chair and submitted to the orchestra division chair for adjudication.
Wind and percussion students should refer to the audition information found in the All-State Band section and follow that audition procedure.
Ordinarily one harp player and one piano player (as required by the current year’s All-State music) will be selected for membership in the All-State Orchestra. Their auditions will be recorded by the district director or the district’s designated orchestra chair and submitted to the orchestra division chair for adjudication.
2023 ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA CLINICIAN: Robert Gillespie, Emeritus Professor, Music Education, Ohio State University
Bob Gillespie is Ohio State University Professor Emeritus of string education/string pedagogy. Under Dr. Gillespie’s leadership, Ohio State University received the 2015 Institutional String Education Award as the premier string education university in the country. Dr. Gillespie is a past national President of the American String Teachers Association (ASTA). He is a frequent guest conductor of All-State, region, and festival orchestras, having appeared in 49 states, Canada, Asia, and throughout Europe. He is co-author of the Hal Leonard string method book series, Essential Elements for Strings, the leading string instrument teaching series in the US with sales of over eleven million copies. Also, he is co-author of the college text Strategies for Teaching Strings: Building A Successful School Orchestra Program, the String Clinics to Go DVD series, the Teaching Music Through Performance in Orchestra texts for GIA publications, and the new method series, Rockin’ Strings for Hal Leonard. In summers, well over 1,600 teachers have attended the annual summer OSU String Teacher Workshop, the largest string/orchestra teacher-training workshop in America. In Columbus, he conducts the Columbus Symphony Chamber Strings Youth Orchestra. In 2020, Dr. Gillespie received the Paul Rolland Lifetime Achievement Award from the American String Teachers Association for significant contribution to the field of string teacher education and string pedagogy. In 2022, he received the University of Michigan School of Music alumni Hall of Fame Award in recognition of his distinguished career in music education. In December 2023 he will receive the Medal of Honor from the Midwest Clinic for distinct services to instrumental music education and continuing influence on the development and improvement of bands and orchestras in America.
2023 All-State Concert Repertoire:
Festive Overture by D. Shostakovich Symphony #4, 2nd Movement by Tchaikovsky “Mambo” from West side Story by L. Bernstein
LMEA All-State Orchestra Strings – 2023
There is a single live monitored audition for strings, harp, and piano. Auditions will be recorded by the District Director or the district’s Orchestra Chair and submitted to the All-State Orchestra Division Chair as an mp3 file for adjudication.
District directors will verify that the teachers of all students participating in these auditions are current members of LMEA.
DEADLINES for 2023:
District Deadlines – District Directors will provide procedural information and set the deadline for receiving checks and student information from schools in their district. This deadline may be before the state deadline.
Saturday, September 23, 2023 (11:59 pm) – Deadline for the District Director or his/her designee to upload all audition recordings and registration. All links will be sent to the District Director by the State Audition Coordinator.
Saturday, September 23, 2023 – District Directors must confirm with the Audition Coordinator and Division Chair that all audition fees, student information, and Release of Student Information forms have been received by this date. A separate check (made payable to LMEA) for each division’s auditions should be sent to the State Audition Coordinator right away.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 – Postmark deadline for District Directors to send a check (payable to LMEA) to the State Audition Chair. Send a separate check for each division’s auditions.
Monday, October 9, 2023 (by 11:59 pm) – The results for the All-State Orchestra Strings will be posted on this website. (Check ALL lists as sometimes strings are required in another ensemble.) All-State registration will open once rosters are posted.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 (9:00 am) – The hotel block will open for students and teachers at 9:00 am. No reservations in the Conference and All-State block can be accepted prior to this time. Check the “All-State Hotel Registration“ page for the latest information, prices, and contact information.
Monday, October 23, 2023 (by 11:59pm) – All-State registration for students selected to an ensemble must be completed. Academic Award forms (if eligible) are also due.
The ensemble director of students auditioning must be a current LMEA member.
Students auditioning must be enrolled in a Louisiana-accredited high school and must be an active member of that school’s string or instrumental ensemble program. Click for a list of Nonpublic Accredited Approved Schools 2023-24.
In a situation where there is no ensemble in the school, the student must be enrolled in a Louisiana-accredited high school and be certified by the eligible music teacher at that school or a private teacher who is an LMEA member.
Students selected to the All-State Orchestra are not eligible for membership any other All-State ensemble due to conflicts in the registration, rehearsal, and/or performance schedules.
AUDITION DATE AND LOCATION. The date, time, and location will be set by the district, allowing enough time to have all audition recordings and registration information uploaded by the current year’s state deadline (11:59 pm).
$15 per audition
Ensemble directors should follow their District Director’s instructions and deadline for submitting school checks. Note: Audition fees must be received before an audition will be recorded.
District Directors must confirm with the Orchestra Division Chair that they have received all audition fees by the deadline for submitting audition recordings.
Each District Director will submit a single district check (made out to LMEA) to the Orchestra Division Chair for all string, piano, and harp audition entries from their district.
All audition recordings must also be submitted via the Google form, adhering to the current year’s state deadline, by the District Director or his/her designee. (Links will be sent to the District Director.)
The current year’s deadline for submitting all audition recordings and registrations is September 23, 2023 (11:59 pm).
MULTIPLE INSTRUMENTS. Students may audition on more than one instrument, but must submit the audition fee and a separate registration for each instrument.
Student Release of Information Form – this will need to be printed, signed, and must be turned in to your district. Follow your district’s instructions for submitting this form. Auditions cannot be adjudicated without this form.
Registration – the information for all students auditioning must be submitted by the District Director or the District’s designee to the state Orchestra Chair by the current year’s deadline. Students and their directors must follow their districts instructions and deadlines for submitting this information.
The link to a Google form will be sent to the District Director by the Division Chair. District Directors will communicate to their district regarding how they want to receive student information. This information includes: Name, School, Grade, Instrument, All-State Ensemble Preference, T-Shirt Size, Audio Audition File, Verification of receipt of the “Student Release of Information Form.”
Students auditioning for more than one ensemble must indicate their preference of ensembles when their audition registration information is submitted. This information will be used should he/she be selected to participate in more than one of this year’s LMEA All-State ensembles.
Students selected to the All-State Orchestra are not eligible for membership in any other All-State ensemble due to conflicts in the registration, rehearsal, and/or performance schedules of the other ensembles.
Each LMEA district will conduct and record district level auditions and submit the audio recordings to the LMEA Orchestra Chair to determine:
Membership in the string, harp, and piano sections of the LMEA All-State Orchestra
To establish a preliminary rank order of students by string section
The violin rank order will be used to assign 1st or 2nd parts to students selected to the orchestra. All rank orders may be used to break ties in the state level chair placement auditions.
There is a 4-year rotation cycle of audition materials for strings, harp, and piano, consisting of selected major scales and prepared selections. Note: The Orchestra Division Chair can also elect to require orchestral excerpts from the upcoming All-State repertoire. If this occurs, the information will be posted to the LMEA website by the last Saturday in August.
Scales (30% of score) – Scales will be chosen from the following major scales: C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, and Eb. These will rotate on a yearly basis as listed in the current year’s set (see below). Scales must be played as described, including the order, articulation, and minimum tempo. This portion of the audition will be evaluated on tone quality, note accuracy, intonation, bowing, and tempo. The students may use music to perform their scales.
Prepared selections (70% of score) – There is a 4-year rotation of prepared selections consisting of one slow and one fast selection. Music must be performed in the order listed. This portion of the audition will be evaluated on tone quality, note and rhythmic accuracy, intonation, bowing, and tempo.
Wind players and percussionists will be selected from the All-State Band auditions. Click link to see the All-State Band requirements and follow that process.
CHAIR PLACEMENT AUDITIONS – Excerpts for all strings will be taken from the All-State program. These will be posted at a later date.
All string, piano, and harp auditions will be audio recorded (.mp3 file).
Each District Director will assign one or more monitors to record the auditions and certify that each auditioner played the material without any restarts.
Each recorded audition must be unedited and made in one single file – do not dub any portion of the audition.
Monitors should be carefully selected by the district director to ensure procedural continuity of the audition.
An audio test of the recorder and room should be done before any auditions begin. Be sure the student will be clearly heard.
The monitor will read the following script to announce and identify each auditioner: “On (Insert Instrument), this is Audition Number (Insert Audition Number).”
Be sure that the instrument and audition number announced on the recording are accurately entered on the track sheet. (A link to the track sheet will be sent to the District Director.)
Monitors should verify that the recording is on the recorder before the auditioner leaves the room (if possible). (This can be done by playing a few seconds of the recording and checking the length of the file on the recorder.)
Audition restarts will only be allowed if there is a technical issue with the recorder.
A track sheet, which will be shared with the District Director via Google Sheets, will be used to enter the audition information at the “room” level. This includes: Room Number, Recorder Number, File Name, File Duration, Last Name, First Name, Instrument/Voice, Audition Number.
The Room Number, Recorder Number, File Name and Audition Number are to be determined by the District Director or his/her designee.
There should be one track sheet for each room used at the audition.
Given the two-fold purpose of these auditions (selection to All-State Orchestra and establishment of the preliminary ranking), it is paramount that the district director or the designated orchestra representative make every effort to utilize recording equipment that exceeds that of consumer grade.
The recommended recorder is a typical “voice recorder” like those used for adjudicators at large ensemble assessment. District Directors have received information about these recorders.
For optimal results and to ensure an even playing field for students, have students stand no more than four feet away from the microphone.
Start the recorder. Each recorded audition must be unedited and made in one single file.
Identification Information: The monitor will read the student identification script (see above).
Scales: The student will then play the scales on the current set’s scale sheet (in the printed order).
Prepared Selections: Next, the student will play the prepared selections in the order listed in the current year’s set.
Each District Director (or designee) will be responsible for submitting the auditioner information and uploading the audio audition files (.mp3 files only) into the Google form provided by the audition coordinator, adhering to the current year’s deadline.
Links will be sent to the District Director by the Division Chair.
The current year’s state deadline for submitting all information and audition recordings Saturday, September 23, 2023 by 11:59 pm. District Directors will communicate to their district regarding how they want to receive student information – name, school, grade, instrument, All-State ensemble preference, t-shirt size, audio audition file, verification of receipt of the “Student Release of Information Form.”
Google Drive is one of the easiest and most accessible platforms to use for file sharing. However, some school districts restrict the sharing of files from their school google drives. Files must be accessible to the chairperson to be judged for inclusion in the All-State ensemble. Discussions with your school district’s IT department may be necessary to ensure inclusion in the All-State audition adjudication process.
The audition results will create a preliminary rank order of students in all sections and will determine the assignment of 1st and 2nd violin parts. These results will be posted on Monday, October 9, 2023 (under Audition Results: All-State.)
Music for the All-State program is selected by the current year’s All-State conductor. Approximately one month before the All-State event, students selected to the string section should receive their music.
STATE LEVEL – CHAIR PLACEMENT AUDITIONS This information is for students who have been selected to the All-State Orchestra.
Students must learn all their music prior to arriving at the All-State event. Music will be available to students selected to the All-State Orchestra’s string section approximately one month before the event.
State level auditions, which function as chair-placement auditions, will be held for all string members and will take place at the All-State Orchestra site just prior to the first All-State rehearsal. The exact times will be on the All-State schedule of rehearsals.
Ties for chair placement will be broken by the rank orders from the initial audition.
Ordinarily, one harp and one piano player (as required by the All-State music) will be selected for membership in the All-State Orchestra, based on the district level audition.
Students are responsible for preparing all of their music prior to arriving at the All-State event.
Audition material for the state level (chair placement) auditions will consist of excerpts from the current All-State Orchestra program. Music will be sent to the District Director or district’s designated Orchestra Chair approximately one month before the All-State event. Additional information will also be posted on this page as it becomes available.
These auditions will be evaluated based on tone quality, intonation, note accuracy, rhythmic accuracy, bowing, and musicality. Approximate tempos will be indicated in these parts.
All-State Fee: $65.00 Payment can be made by credit card during the registration process (there is a $3 processing fee) or by school check
The current year’s deadline for all forms and fees is October 23, 2023. All students must adhere to this deadline to ensure their place in the ensemble.
Academic Award Form – A student who has a verified cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher must upload the verified academic award form while completing the online All-State Student Registration Form. This form requires a parent’s signature and a counselor or administrator’s verification and signature. (9th graders are not eligible for this award.)
Photo Order Form – will be available on the Forms page, but must be submitted directly to the company providing this service.
Recording Order Form (CD or DVD) – will be available on the Forms page, but must be submitted directly to the company providing this service.
HOTEL INFORMATION can be found using this link. The hotel block opens at 9:00 am the Tuesday morning after All-State rosters are posted. The current year’s date is October 10, 2023. You must contact the hotel directly and indicate your child is in an LMEA All-State ensemble.
All-State Rules and Regulations are part of the All-State Entry form and are to be signed by each student, parent, director and principal involved.
Rules and Regulations for LMEA All-State:
Teachers are required to screen students who are discipline problems and not allow them to audition.
Students are expected to follow their school’s rules while at LMEA All-State.
Students must be present and on time for registration, all rehearsals, and any other scheduled All-State events.
Students failing to adhere to their LMEA All-State schedules or the rules and regulations are subject to dismissal.
Students are responsible for their personal equipment and instruments, including any school instruments or other items checked out to them. LMEA will not assume responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen equipment or instruments.
Any student who participates in any type of vandalism will be subject to immediate dismissal. The student and the school will be held responsible for damages.
Any student in possession of prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription, any illegal drugs or other illegal substances, including alcoholic beverages, or who consumes any of these will be subject to immediate dismissal. The parent, director, and administrator will be notified.
Students’ teachers are required to be current LMEA members and to register for and be present at the All-State event and Professional Development Conference to ensure students are supervised/chaperoned when not in rehearsals or another scheduled All-State activity.
Students and parents are hereby notified that LMEA’s authority and responsibility extends until a student is released to return home.
Consequences and procedures related to the violation of any rules:
The student’s principal, director and parents will be immediately notified of any rule violation.
A disciplinary committee consisting of the Executive Director, the LMEA President, and the Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Guitar or Jazz Ensemble Chairperson (as pertinent) shall review any disciplinary problems before dismissal from the All-State group is recommended.
Any student dismissed (sent home) from an All-State event will be prohibited from participating in any LMEA event for one (1) full year starting from the time of the dismissal.
Any school organization whose student (or students) must be dismissed from an LMEA All-State event will be placed on a one-year probation. If a student is dismissed within the probation period, that school organization will be prohibited from participating in LMEA All-State events the following year.
Any infraction and subsequent dismissal will be referred to the LMEA Executive Board for resolution and clarification.